
Code. Models. Analysis. Decisions.

Create a Database, Add Tables & Import Data in MySQL Workbench

What is MySQL & Workbench

MySQL is one of the most popular Database Management Systems in the world. Based on ANSI SQL, the MySQL query language executes most typical queries using the same syntax as other major management systems such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. MySQL is suitable for development projects of all sizes from one off data analysis to data warehousing implementations.

Workbench is a graphical user interface that allows a nice combination of point-click-drag functionaltiy to augment standard SQL.

Creating Databases and Tables with MYSQL Workbench

While most of interaction with a MySQL database tends to be writing queries, creating databases and loading data can be a major component of a data analyst's workflow. This turorial shows you how to leverage Workbench to create datbases, import data and manipulate it prior to writing and running queries

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